Nordsaga Commissions – 9littlebees

Nordsaga Commissions

Tabletop Roleplaying on the dark side

Nordsaga Commissions

26-Nov-18 Games Nordsaga 0

Deadlines Approaching!

Work on Nordsaga continues, and I’m trying hard to get it finished and released before Christmas. To make it look amazing, I’ve enlisted the help of some creatives. Here are some previews of what they’re coming up with!


Carys (aka @unburnedwitch) is a Canadian artist I met during the mass Google+ migration to MeWe. I really like her work and was thrilled when she expressed excitement for doing the cover. Take a look at this preview of the wicked cover art she’s created!


Chris (aka @hominidart) is an Australian artist with a unique style that I’ve been a fan of for a long time. When thinking about what I wanted for the interior look of Nordsaga, I had a few different artists in mind, but Chris won out because his work has a real down-to-earth feel to it (edging on melancholy) that is perfect for this non-heroic, dark game. He’s also still churning stuff out despite having a new baby at home! Take a look at this brilliant sample of some of the non-human Nordsaga cultures:


And last (but certainly not least), my mate Adam (aka @adamattley), an English writer who has been putting his skills to great use, helping me with the adventure and writing an excellent piece of fiction to be used in the book. Here is half of the intro fiction to whet your appetites – the musings of a mute Jotnar…