Year Zero – 9littlebees

Tag: Year Zero

Tabletop Roleplaying on the dark side

Introducing “Year Zero Mini”

[Update] The Year Zero Mini ruleset is now live and can be found here. Two game designers I have a lot of respect for have recently shared rules-light games that they want to play with their children. Diogo Nogueira has started working on Adventures in a World of Imagination, which is designed to play with…
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12-Mar-19 0

Nordsaga Setting

Nordsaga is set in an alternate history Middle Ages which asks: “What if legendary Viking warrior Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye had been given the aid of the Aesir (Norse gods) to push back Christianity’s spread?” The answer provides a pagan Norse Empire spread across central and northern Europe, with Emperor Sigurd still somehow ruling over the Imperial…
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25-Feb-18 0